Friday, April 3, 2009

Don't get me wrong . . . I did try.

So, how often have you set about cleaning your house only to think to yourself. 'This is pointless. It will never end. The house spontaneously generates new messes on it's own.' At least it seems that way if you have children or a spouse or pets or actually live in your house. So I gave up. Who cares if the trash can is free of stains or if the towels are perfect squares? Does it really matter if I fold up the underwear?

I did load and run the dishwasher, throw on a load of clothes and swept the kitchen. It looks . . . better if not perfect. There is still a pile of laundry sitting in one of the chairs in the living room, but I just don't really care. Everyone just digs through it to find their stuff anyway. What is the point of folding it and putting it away. No one ever brings their dirty laundry to me so why should I take clean laundry to them?

At least everyone has clean clothes and dishes.

Next project. The bathroom.

1 comment:

  1. Everytime I clean soon after :/ dirty again frustrating .
